Fresche Solutions

X-DB Transform

Automatic conversion of DDS to DDL provides access to all the latest database features from IBM.

Database Transformation Drives Innovation

There are a variety of reasons to modernize your IBM i databases. The two primary reasons are to take advantage of IBM’s latest database features while remaining on IBM i, and to make data more easily available to users. IBM no longer makes its newest database features available on DDS, so the move to DDL is essential. By moving to DDL, you are effectively opening up DB2 to your business.
X-DB Modernize - Problem Analysis

X-DB Transform Handles the Entire Process

X-DB Transform facilitates automatic DDS-to-DDL conversion. The solution converts the database, copies production data into the new database and may not require re-compiling of programs, depending on the level of transformation. Before conversion to DDL, X-DB Transform provides an automated report of any problems that require attention. This helps you identify and resolve issues in advance of conversion. The solution also helps you remodel your table structure and converts your data into the new format. You control the entire modernization process.

How X-DB Transform Transform Can Help You:

Improve performance/integrity

Performance is enhanced on DDL and includes increased security features; data integrity features are significantly enhanced on DDL.

Automatically convert DDS to DDL

X-DB Transform handles all aspects of the conversion automatically, ensuring accuracy and completeness with little manual effort.

Improve access to information

Modernizing your database provides your organization with a data source that is easily available to the whole organization.

Resolve issues early

Interactive reports give you complete pre-conversion analysis and source lists for objects that may be problematic, ensuring a clean and accurate conversion to DDL.

Find new resources

New DBAs are far more familiar with the DDL structure, and resources who know DDS are becoming more difficult to find.

Begin your modernization journey

Modernized databases are one of the first steps in the process of making information available through different means — modern UIs, mobile, cloud.

Key Technical Features

  • Performs problem analysis: highlights PF files with non-unique keys, 0-members files, etc.
  • Normalizes tables, standardizes naming, eliminates redundancy, corrects duplicates, etc.
  • Migrates to the new format to your specifications: tables, number of records, merges/splits, etc.
  • Converts DDS to DDL (Auto recovery of constraints, long names and views, etc., complete conversion process)
  • Converts datatypes – for example, character or numeric types into date/time types
  • Helps with database management: data integrity checker, identifies orphaned records, etc.

Some of Our X-Analysis Clients
